The school received £3500 from PiP for environmental improvement projects in the school. The Eco-Committee organised for pupils and staff to apply for some of this money. After careful consideration, the ‘winning’ applications are below. Money remaining = £362.50 to be allocated on a rolling basis.
Who is involved
Supporting S1 SDE
projects. All S1s
do a practical
project to improve the environment (9 weeks at the end of
Sustainable Development Education course).
£40 per class maximum per year.
over 4
Mr Toal and SDE teachers
(Ms Bond, Ms Barlow,
Mr Radford and all S1 pupils)
Eco-Art posters. Two or three large scale (A0)
posters professionally printed onto boards of eco-themed Art work
for permanent display in foyer.
Mrs Steel & A&D pupils
Redecorate the
school canteen
using eco-themed
decorations (wall mural and on lockers)
Katherine Macfarlane &
Joanne Pryde S6 + JASS group
Advanced Higher Art pupils +
Mrs Steel
Eco-Film competition - Pupils make a short film on an
environmental topic. Shortlist shown at lunchtime and best
voted for by pupil audience. Entries used on website,
in foyer, at parents evenings etc.
£100 each year. (£50 1st
prize, £30 2nd prize, £20 3rd prize)
3 years
Mr Farren + CurriEco team
Bird boxes and materials for making
birdboxes. Installing
some long-life woodcrete boxes to start monitoring their
success in the Nest Record Scheme from this Spring.
Wooden boxes made for common and threatened species
by CDT pupils later this session and in subsequent years.
£250 max
£100 for woodcrete
£150 for materials
Mr Walton + Mr Watson +
S5/6 CDT pupils + group of
volunteers as bird box monitors
Watering system for
greenhouse. A
simple automatic
timed watering system would mean we can use the
greenhouse to grow fruit, vegetables etc as they wouldn’t
die over the holidays.
Rachel Avery + Int Biology +
Other pupils
Wireless bird box
camera to show
live footage of the
inside of a bird box on the screen in the foyer
Mr Walton + other staff
Bed of soft fruit
bushes at front
of school and manure
for school orchard, vegetable boxes and soft fruit.
EDGE Explorer Scouts
(Led by Owen & Trish Davies,
Pin badges for pupils in the Eco Committee & working on
Eco projects in the school to raise profile of Eco activities.
Clara Morriss & Karen Craigie
S6 (Eco Committee)
Big pupil-designed
stickers on litter bins in school
foyer and outside, encouraging people not to drop litter
Gemma King 6K2 with
S2 JASS litter group
Native wildflowers for a wetland in Roleys Wood
EDGE Explorer Scouts
(Led by Owen & Trish Davies,
Solar powered
fountain for
wildlife pond in Quadrangle.
To oxygenate water to help the health of the pond and as
an example of renewable energy.
Mr Hermiston
Three thermos jugs for serving Fair Trade teas and
at events, parents evenings etc. This raises money for good causes
such as our sponsored pupils in Chogoria High
School, Kenya
Fair Trade group