Wednesday 30 May 2012

Advanced Higher Art & Design: Eco Architecture!

Our Advanced Higher Art & Design candidates have recently completed their folios to be sent to the SQA. These designers focused on Architecture as their specialist discipline for the year and created these wonderful final outcomes.

Students chose themes relating to nature. They were required to consider site, materials, sustainability, solar power, landscaping, glazing etc.

A functional and attractive Golf club and Pro-shop inspired by Scottish wildlife!

 A beautiful glasshouse for the Botanic Gardens inspired by plant life and flora!

 A contemporary music venue to revive a deprived area in Edinburgh. 
Solar panelling and eco glazing considered.

S3 Nature-inspired Designs!

Our S3s have recently completed their fantastic Design units. They were asked to create a product - an item of body addornment or a mirror inspired by nature and biodiversity. Learners chose from themes such as birds, insects, flora, sea-life, rainforest, reptiles, safari animals and so on. They were required to make the product using a variety of recycled materials. The results are great!

S2 Eco Art

Our S2s have been enjoying the recent good weather and working out in the school grounds on our final projects in S2 Art & Design. We have been out drawing in the Green Garden, making tree collages from natural materials and showing off our fabulous rainforest-inspired masks, which we made using recycled materials, in Roley's Woods!

Thursday 24 May 2012

Green Man in Roley's Woods

1K2, Mrs Steel and Rachel Avery ventured into a sunny Roley's Woods this morning to capture the "spirit of nature". We worked in pairs to create our very own "Green Man" installations! We used all natural materials including found leaves, flowers, weeds, twigs, mud and clay to create interesting woodland face forms.

Pupils used their imagination and their excellent modelling skills to create a public exhibition in a natural  envirnoment. We hope that the school and local community can enjoy looking for the new characters lurking in the woods...

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Drawing in the Green Garden

1L1 out drawing in the Green Garden during a short spell of sunshine this morning! Pupils are learning about bio-diversity through close observational drawing.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Fair trade Snack Attack Challenge!

Our S2 pupils have been working in groups to create a snack in Home Economics and design the packaging and marketing campaign in Art & Design. Entries were recently sent to Traidcraft as part of the Snack Attack competition.
Let's hope we have a winner after all of this excellent group work. Check out a selection of our designs and mood boards!
We learnt about nutrition, group work, target market, mood boards, advertising, graphic design, calligrams and the importance of fair trade!

Animal-inspired Clay Cups in Art & Design

These S1s have just finished their clay cups inspired by endangered animals. The designs look great!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

More Spring clean photos...

Things are growing....

The new apple trees we planted on 1st March with Woodlands School have blossom on at the moment..

And the garlic planted by Int 1 Biology is doing really well!

Even the potatoes are starting to poke their heads up....

Bee Positive Planting

Rachel, Kate and Tamara in S6 have been working with some S2 JASS pupils on a 'Bee Aware' project. They've made a website highlighting the plight of bees and the important need for their conservation. They've also fundraised to buy seeds and plants that will atract more bees and pollinating insects to our school grounds. I'm sure the bees will be pleased!

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Spring Clean at Currie High

On Friday 4 May we had a big community clean up in Roley's Wood as part of Keep Scotland Beautiful's National Spring Clean campaign. We had 35 people helping out; pupils, parents, siblings, neighbours and staff all working together to make Roley's Wood look fantastic.  After a huge concerted effort by everyone involved we celebrated our achievements by having a bbq, ably cooked by Mr Hermiston, with special treats, including ingredients foraged from Roley's Wood, prepared by our fantastic Home Economics department.

Roley was out cleaning the burn with Gemma

Ms Paton's last day as Headteacher before she goes on secondment!

Noor and Mark tackling a tricky bit