Wednesday 25 May 2011

The trees of Roley's Wood

The John Muir Award group has met every second Friday afternoon throughout this session. If it happens to be wet we've been working on a display about the different trees growing in the school grounds and Roley's Wood.  We collected leaves from each species and laminated them for the posters. We also included information on how to identify the tree and interesting facts we found by researching in the LRC. We finished the display on Friday and its now up and looking fantastic in the LRC.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Finishing work on Eco Art Wall Panels!

Today, 1H2 and Mrs Steel began making finishing touches to our Eco Art Wall panels. We peer-assessed each other's outcomes and suggested ways that we could improve them before they are ready for display! They should all be completed and varnished very soon...

Friday 6 May 2011

Joint Spring Clean in Roley's Wood

Around 20 willing volunteers from S5 and S6 at Currie joined forces with pupils at Woodlands School for a joint litter pick of Roley's Wood, as part of Keep Scotland Beautiful's National Spring Clean.  We filled 17 black bags with litter and collected lots of cans and plastic bottles to recycle.

Pupils from both schools with some of the litter collected

Calum our Head Boy and others negotiating the tricky
terrain under the bridge

Together with some posters by the John Muir Award group encouraging people to use the new bin at the entrance to the wood we really hope we'll make a difference.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Tadpole update!

Our school tadpoles are developing nicely. They'll start to grow their legs soon!

Going wild for our new flower meadow

With generous financial assistance from Currie Community Council, we've been able to lay a new wildflower meadow in the Green Garden and in the Quadrangle. The wildflower turf contains 20 species of wildflower and 4 species of grass and will grow to become a beautiful meadow appreciated by everyone at the school. It will also be fantastic for biodiversity, as a habitat and food source for many insects and other wildlife.  The S3 xl group and volunteers from the John Muir Award Group helped to lay the meadow, with expert technical assistance from Mr Hermiston.

Making Waste History

4 representatives from our Eco-Committee joined 20 other secondary schools at the Changeworks Make Waste History conference on 27 April.  We learned different skills that will be required to plan and implement a waste reduction project. Our chosen project was composting, and the delegates attended workshops on subjects such as finance and marketing. The conference ended up in a 'Dragon's Den' competition and Currie came second in our heat.  We hope to make our composting project a reality later this year.

John Muir Awards for S4 XL pupils

14 pupils in the S4 XL class were presented with their John Muir Award Discovery Level certificates on 26 April. These awards recognise their work in discovering and exploring the school grounds, doing work to conserve it and sharing their experiences. Congratulations everyone!