Wednesday 3 December 2014

New Climate Change Display

The Eco Committee have been working hard over the last few weeks on a new climate change display on our Eco board in the main foyer.  They want to raise awareness of climate change amongst staff, pupils and visitors to the school: what it is, why its important and what we can all do about it.


Climate Change

When we burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas, we release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere that has been locked underground for millions of years.  The CO2 acts like a layer of glass in a greenhouse, trapping more of the sun’s energy and heating up our planet.  

In November 2014 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published new findings from nearly 1000 scientists from around the world. The report shows that climate warming is definitely happening, and it is very clear that human activities are the main cause.  Climate change will affect everywhere, but the poorest people in the world will be affected most.  The IPCC report says we need significant action in the next 10 years to reduce the amount of CO2 and other greenhouses gases we emit into the atmosphere.

What the school is doing

We are trying to reduce the carbon footprint of the school. We have:
·         30kW solar thermal panels on our sports hall roof that help heat the water in the swimming pool
·         Over 2000 energy-efficient light bulbs
·         Made sure doors and windows close properly so less heat is lost
·         We are trying to get our 11kW wind turbine back up and running!
·         We learn about climate change and energy issues in different departments

 What can you do? 

We can all help to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and protect our planet
·         Think about switching to a 100% renewable electricity supplier

·         Turn the heating down a few degrees – put on an extra jumper!
·         Walk, cycle or get public transport when you can instead of taking a car
·         Buy food grown locally not flown in from the other side of the world
·         Unplug your gadgets – even leaving chargers plugged in wastes energy

·         Contact your MSP or MP and ask them to support tough action on climate change in the UK and at the UN Climate Conference in 2015

Standing up for human rights

Today at break and lunch the Amnesty International group started their first campaign to stand up for human rights. Senior prefects gave up one of their human rights to show everyone else what it would be like - they gave up their identity. Pupils found at more in core RME lessons this week.   The group hopes to get the whole school involved sometime after Christmas, look out for more information! The group meets every Monday at 1pm in RME2, new members always welcome.