Thursday, 9 May 2013

Litter campaign success

Congratulations to the S2 pupils who went to the Filmhouse cinema on Wednesday to see their anti-litter campaign video on the big screen. Currie High won second place for our campaign, which featured a range of posters, bin stickers and a short film, conceived, shot and edited by pupils. The judges said it was a “Great concept, delivered consistently and with creativity throughout”.  

The pupils won a new video camera, which they have donated to Ms Jordan and the English/Media Studies department.  They decided to split the £250 prize money equally between the school Eco fund, the English department, and Computing, who analysed all the litter survey results. 

Council officials surveyed litter outside the school before and after the campaign, and the % of littered streets after lunch went down from 91% to 70%. This is a good improvement but there is obviously more that can be done! Congratulations to all the pupils involved. 

To watch the anti-litter film again check out